Серия «Концепты персонажей»


Руби Арт, Нейронные сети, Картинки, Арты нейросетей, Stable Diffusion, 2D, Digital

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Автоматон Нейронные сети, Арты нейросетей, Stable Diffusion, Арт, Картинки

Промт: award winning studio photo portrait steampunk rusted robot, close up, metal futuristic armor, detailed texture, detailed eyes, sharp focus, hd, hdr, 8k, reflection

Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (duplicate:1.7), inaccurate limb and hand and finger and long fingernails, error in captioning, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry

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Сирена Нейронные сети, Арты нейросетей, Stable Diffusion, Арт, Картинки, Длиннопост
Сирена Нейронные сети, Арты нейросетей, Stable Diffusion, Арт, Картинки, Длиннопост

Промт: award winning studio photo fish young woman, close up, carbon, (detailed texture:1.3), detailed material, sharp focus, hd, hdr, 8k, reflection, (wet body:1.3), (fish scales:1.4), (gills on the neck:1.7)

Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (duplicate:1.7), inaccurate limb and hand and finger and long fingernails, error in captioning, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry

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